luni, 13 decembrie 2010

Questions we need to answer

Dear friends,
There are many questions that we come across daily and we need to answer. For instance: I buy myself a cool cell phone and the question that immediately arises is how to present the purchase to my wife so that she won't give me a black eye and serve me porridge for dinner? Or how should I remind my boss that he promised me a raise? So, questions pop up in front of us all the time and they are more or less important or demanding.
But there are 4 questions that are essential for each and every individual that lives on the face of the planet earth, questions that we MUST ask ourselves and that we MUST find an answer for at a certain point in time. All philosophies and all religious systems that ever existed sought to answer to these questions. They are questions that as simple as they seem in their statement, as serious and demanding are concerning the answer. These questions are:
  1. Who am I?
  2. Where do I come from?
  3. What is my purpose?
  4. Where am I headed?
Think about these questions, my dear atheistic friends, and next time I will begin to bring face to face my answers with potentially yours.
Till next time, yours truly,

vineri, 16 iulie 2010

Getting rid of preconceived ideas!

The discussion that I propose through this blog is not about what one DOESN'T believe but rather about what one BELIEVES. I am speaking as a former atheist. The slogan that I used to have in those days was, "I don't believe that God exists!" I'm pretty sure that you guys use the same slogan. The problem with this slogan is that it creates a false premise: the premise that the debate, the discussion, the polemics, the contradiction is between reality and superstition; between concrete and abstract; between rational and irrational; between science and religion. FALSE!! Unless one of us possesses the totality of knowledge that is in the UNIVERSE, you BELIEVE that God does not exist and I BELIEVE that God exists. The debate is BETWEEN FAITHS. Therefore we all have arguments for what we BELIEVE and through this blog, with the little eloquence and humor that God gave me, I hope to be able to share mine with you. I encourage you to examine them with an open mind and if any of the things I say offend you, well, that was not my intention. Don't take it personally. I also encourage you to place comments (with the due censoring) and if you desire to further converse with me you can use the email address I posted in the side bar.
Until next time yours truly,