sâmbătă, 5 ianuarie 2013

Who am I...continued

I have to confess that once upon a time, being troubled about all this Evolution of Species story and desiring to better understand the whole deal about our ancestors, on a summer day I ran to Congo in Africa to take a peek to our brethren (according to some) the primates. No little was my surprise when visiting several gorilla nests, I found them empty with a big sign stuck in the middle saying, "ON STRIKE!" Of course I immediately contacted the Gorilla Union about this issue and to my stupefaction I found out that this was a concerted strike coordinated by none other than Animal International! Oh deer! (pawn intended) Imagine this: animals are not content any more with their present status quo. Animals desire education. Animals desire culture. Animals desire the assurance of tomorrow. They asked for individual work contracts and paid vacations. They are no longer satisfied with the occasional vaccination campaigns and they demand health insurance. And of course, to have access to a private retirement plan.
Well, forgive me for this little anecdote, but by it I wanted to highlight a few essential differences between man and animal, differences that apparently are not considered in their study by neither of those advocating evolution.
  1. Animals are not militants! They are perfectly integrated in the food chain (which I would say it's automated) and you will never see wildebeests picketing some government building because they've got tired of being eaten by lions.
  2. Animals will never do politics! You will never see bears making a political alliance with wolves, nor foxes signing economical treaties with wolverines.
  3. Animals have no conscience, nor are they conscious of good and evil. When was the last time you've seen a tiger showing remorse for killing a man? Or a white shark for swallowing a baby? How about a fox for stealing chicks from a farm, or a boar for ruining a potato field?
  4. Animals have no void in their soul (of course! they have no soul!) but to be more precise, animals have no urge for fulfillment. Have you ever heard a peacock crying, "all these grains I have and they've only satisfied my appetite; I thought that at least these feathers I grow in my tail would give some meaning to my life but... vanity of vanities! I will put an end to my life!"
Now, I am pretty sure that you, dear atheists, are fully aware of these major differences. My question for you would be: how did they appear, and why, after millions and millions of years, all of the sudden animals feel the urge to make tools, get organized socially, politically, economically, and most important why do they feel the need for a purpose in life? Probably you have your answers to these questions, but I will tell you what I believe: God created every animal after its kind, and then He created man in HIS image and after HIS likeness.
Pascal said, "In every man's heart there is a God shaped vacuum, which can only be filled by God." You know, Adam bummed and the Adamic bomb left in our soul a huge void. Now, each one of us tries to fill it with something: some with money, others with power, or career, or hobbies, or charity, or prestige…but please, believe Pascal: only God can fill that void and bring fulfillment to our lives!
Yours truly,


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